Políticas de registro y de cancelación

Registration options

  • Register online using this web platform
    On our official platform, we ensure secure payment processes. The payment types accepted are:
    • credit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express)
    • bank transfer
    • Alipay
    • Cash

    Nota: early bird deadline ends at domingo 21 abril 2024 23:59 Paris - France time.
  • or register on site
    Beginning on jueves 20 junio 2024 12:00 (local time), at The Athenee Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel (congress venue).

The online registration platform will be closed for new registration payments:

  • Bank transfer: 10º junio 2024 23:59 (Paris - France time)
  • Credit card / Alipay: 19º junio 2024 23:59 (Paris - France time)

Due to the unprecedented high volume of attendees for our 2024 edition, we will no longer be providing on-site registration, solely online registration. This is to ensure the level of quality provided to all participants during the congress.

Conference admission

Admission is by badge only. IMCAS is a professional congress, only meant to be attended by professionals. Therefore, a precise badge policy has been implemented specifying the rules of admittance to the different areas of the congress, complying with the criteria required by the CME accreditation organizations and the Partner Learned Societies . According to each badge type, a full or partial access is issued.

Exhibitors can register for the conference through the company’s IMCAS exhibitor account. Please contact the Sales Department for any further information concerning exhibition: industry@imcas.com

In order to comply with scientific regulation, the IMCAS badge policy discloses that all badge registrations are subject to review by the IMCAS team. Upon request, attending physicians are required to provide documented proof of their medical education to validate their declared specialty and ensure the complete access of their medical field. Registrations may be reimbursed and cancelled at the sole discretion of the IMCAS team in the case that the registrant specialty does not coincide with the congress topics.

Payment methods

  • By credit card
    Visa, Mastercard/Eurocard or American Express
  • By bank transfer
    Once your online registration is completed, you will be emailed a pro forma document bearing our bank data and an online registration ID. Money has to reach our account within the 72 following hours. Your registration will only be validated then. Be careful: if money does not reach our bank account within the requested 72 following hours, the registration will be cancelled and you will have to redo the whole process again.
  • By Alipay

Cancellation policy

Registration cancellation

Cancellation must be made in writing.
Cancellation requests received BEFORE 21º abril 2024: 70% of the registration fees will be refunded.
Cancellation requests received AFTER 21º abril 2024: there will be no refund.

Program modification

Please note that while speakers, exhibitions and sessions were confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations.

As such, IMCAS reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers, exhibitions and sessions if necessary, without liability. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our portal as soon as possible.

Limitation of liability - Force majeure

IMCAS shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event the congress is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed OR changed into another format as a result of a "Force Majeure" event beyond its reasonable control. For the purposes of this clause, Force Majeure events shall include, but not limited to general and labor strikes, invasions, hostilities, war, rioting or similar situations, health emergencies, acts of government or state* such as lockdown and quarantine measures, immigration and transport or on site restrictions, and acts of nature such as fires, floods, extreme weather or other emergency.

A - If IMCAS determines that the congress needs to be cancelled as a result of a Force Majeure event, IMCAS shall refund 100% of the registration fees to the congress to the participant.
B - If IMCAS determines that the congress needs to be rescheduled or postponed as a result of a Force Majeure event, registration remains binding and the participant will be entitled to participate in the rescheduled congress without any further refund right.
IMCAS shall assume no further obligation to refund any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by the participant in case the event is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed as a result of a Force Majeure event.
If the participant is not able to assist to the congress as a result of Force Majeure event, general cancellation policies rules as set above will apply.

*government or state means both "France and the country where the concerned conference is held.

Governing law

The construction, validity and performance of the present terms are exclusively governed by the laws of France without reference or regard to principles of conflicts of law. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of France, located in Paris.

Thank you and welcome at IMCAS Asia 2024!

El registro está cerrado.